American Hairless Terrier Club of America, Inc.
Member Benefits
- Members only website access. View previous Newsletters, Statistics and Discounts.
- Free breeder listing on the website
- AHTCA Newsletters
- Free 1 year gift membership for puppy buyers
- ROM & Versatility Rewards Programs
New Member Applications MUST be accompanied by a signed AHTCA Code of Ethics and have either a Breeder Gift sponsor or (2) Club sponsors from different households.
It takes a minimum of 2 months to get your membership approved. Your name will be posted in the monthly newsletter for comment on by the membership and then the BOD will vote on it at the next monthly executive meeting. Once approved, you will be notified by email. .
NOTE: "Gift" memberships need name of breeder who is gifting you a membership. Place their name and the word "GIFT" where sponsors are listed on the form. Your signature on the application and signed code of ethics are both mailed to Club Secretary.